
I have released another single from the forthcoming new album. It is a song called “Sanctuary” and you can hear it on Spotify, Apple Music, Bandcamp, and elsewhere.

I recorded this album when I was the artist in residence at The Sanctuary, a community arts center in Arcata, CA. It was a wonderful and inspiring experience. After I got my recording set-up situated and settled in to begin working, I suddenly realized something: in two decades of making albums, I had never set aside a month of time to only create. Every other recording had occurred over multiple months (and sometimes years) in tandem with my life. It was such a gift to have this vast literal and figurative space to just make music.

It was very fruitful. “The Information Age” eventually became 24 tracks long and will be released in two parts. I also made a 10 track album called “Collaboration” of songs that I wrote with other songwriters over the years. So: 34 tracks! This sanctuary clearly proved to be a place of refuge and safety where I could exist, create, and thrive.

One morning, after a communal breakfast, I sat down to write and I was overcome with emotion. First with gratitude, then with an immense sadness. I could not reconcile the abundance and kindness I was experiencing with news stories of caged children and separated families. This song came that morning in a flood of tears.


Katie & Solomon

