It Gets Bad, But It Gets Better
New single! This is the first song released from Part Two of The Information Age. You can hear it on all the streaming sites and also on Bandcamp, which I’m increasingly realizing is an excellent resource for and supporter of independent musicians. Part One is streaming wherever music streams. Part Two will be streaming in 2021, but you can hear it now via the deluxe digital package which is available only at the store.
Weekly Sunday Shows have been continuing! The recent shows have been “in” states that were on the postponed 2020 bike tour. Each show has also featured interviews with friends who live in those states and are doing wonderful things. It has been so fun to connect with people in this way and visit their states virtually.
Weekly Sunday Show: Live from NEBRASKA // 9.27.20 She Shoots To Kill / Nebraska (Bruce Springsteen cover) / The American West / Crash The Party / It Gets Bad, But It Gets Better / The Dead Still Speak / When I Make My Home / Reason To Believe (Bruce Springsteen cover) / Handstands in the Sun / Too Many Ghosts / Pirates Are Taking Over / The Wonder Years / Time To Be Here Now … and special guest Wayne Brekke of Rune Ways & Dungeon Crate!
Weekly Sunday Show: Live from SOUTH DAKOTA // 10.4.20 The Score / Love Ain’t Easy (Matt Fockler cover) / 52 Pick-Up / Badlands (Bruce Springsteen cover) / American in Love / Hellbound, Bent, and Heaven Sent / Flags Transform / Present Day or 1492 / Designer Drugs / Daylight Saving / Everyone Looks Different / The 80s in America / Minnesota / Every Car Is A Person / Super Duper / End of Summer Cigarettes … and special guest Eliza Blue!
Weekly Sunday Show: Live from MONTANA // 10.11.20 Down in Mexico / Better Now / The American West / Americans / The Ballad of Wallace Green & His Dog / I’m Beautiful / Public Executions / Poopy Poopy Poopy In My Butt (co-write with my 5 year old niece Josie) / Are You Still In Love With The World? (Raina Rose cover) / (Like Bon Jovi) I’m Running Away / Friends Back East / Concerning the Lincoln and Douglas Debates or Love Found Lost / I’m Awake Now / It Gets Bad, But It Gets Better … and special guest Jesscy Dean of The Wild Homesteader!
"It Gets Bad, But It Gets Better" Late, Live, and Acoustic, from Camp Shhhtimes, Old Settlers Music Festival 2019, with Team Goodtimes.